Friday, November 19, 2010

Teaching Activities For Low Achiever Students

Time : 1 hour
Year : 2 Dedikasi

A. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to
i.Measure and state the volume of liquid

B. Methods
Contextual learning, hands-on activities and minds on, ICT

C. Teaching Materials
Notes, MS Powerpoint slide presentation, hands-on activity

D. Tools
Various forms of water containers, measuring cylinder, three drinking glasses of the same size, three bowls of the same size, three mugs of the same size and a large water jug

1. Teacher shows some examples of liquids in containers of different sizes.
Example: shampoo, mineral water, beverage boxes, canned drinks, perfumes, lotions. Teachers asked students to state the name of the materials on display and its usefulness.

2. Teacher show the liquid container and asked students to find and list the number of available information on each container of the liquid container.

3. Pupils are asked to guess the information that represents the amount of the liquid contents.

4. Teacher review student responses through questioning techniques, and introduce the lesson topic today. (Learning constructional )

  1. Teacher hold up the three drinking glasses.

2.      Teacher ask the students to tell the similarities between the three glasses.
  1. Introduce the vocabulary of empty, half full and full.

  1. When teacher introduce the vocabulary, have students come out to fill the glasses accordingly.
  2. Have students arrange the glasses in the order from empty to full.
  3. Repeat with different sets of container
  1. The teacher gives each student the worksheet.
  2. Pupils asked to color the water container filled with red,
    an empty water container with yellow and half full of water containers in blue.
Full : Red
Empty : Yellow
Half Full : Blue
3. Fill in the blank with the correct answers.

1. Teacher shows measuring cylinder. Then students were asked to fill a water color by reading referred by teachers.

2. Teacher asked students to express an opinion with respect to the comparison result of water level based on their observations.
3. Teacher explains the proper technique for reading the volume of liquid in a measuring cylinder using PowerPoint slides.

4. Pupils are asked to write the reading volume of the liquid on the picture of liquid in the measuring cylinder in a given piece of work.

1. Teachers test students understanding by calling them to read properly measurement the volume of liquid in front of the class.
2. Teacher  to guide students who are unable to correctly read the volume of liquid.
3. Teacher discuss with students on to make teaching and learning solutions.


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